Volatile and organic chemicals are dissolved in any water supply either municipal or rural (water wells, lakes and rivers). The chemicals found in your water are numerous and can cause serious health issues. The Excalibur Water Systems Chemical Removal System can take out most volatile and industrial chemicals, providing safe, clean water.
Filtermax™ Premium Chemical Removal Filter
Volatile and organic chemicals are dissolved in any water supply either municipal or rural (water wells, lakes and rivers). The chemicals found in your water are numerous and can cause serious health issues. The Excalibur Water Systems Chemical Removal System can take out most volatile and industrial chemicals; providing safe, clean water.
Category: Specialty Filters
- Fully automatic backwashable chemical removal filter
- 12 volt transformer that utilizes minimal power consumption less than $3.00 per year
- Patented filter distributor that uses 30% less water during backwash reducing water consumption to drain
- Removes most chemicals in your water supply such as chlorine, chloramines, volatile and industrial chemicals, providing safe, clean water
- Chemical free system – no chemicals or water softening salt to purchase
- No filter cartridges required
- 10 year warranty
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